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Gestalt Psychotherapy

Healing by experiencing the present moment as it happens in your body

Gestalt therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the present moment. It emphasizes whole-person awareness, meaning it looks at how thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and the surrounding environment all interact.  Here are some key aspects of Gestalt therapy:

Gestalt therapy and focus on the here and now

Focus on the "Here and Now"


Gestalt therapy encourages clients to focus on their current experiences, thoughts, and feelings.  


Body Awareness


 It encourages clients to become more aware of their bodily sensations and how they relate to their emotions.  

Gestalt therapy and body awarenss
Gestalt therapy and experiential learning


Experiential Learning


It emphasizes learning through direct experience, such as role-playing or empty chair techniques.  

Gestalt therapy is a body-centered approach to mental health that emphasizes the connection between mind and body. It recognizes that our emotional experiences are not just mental events, but are also deeply rooted in our physical sensations. It focuses on:

Somatic therapy and mind-body connection
Somatic therapy and trauma resolution
Somatic therapy and self-regulation

Mind-Body Connection


It acknowledges that trauma and other emotional experiences can be stored in the body as physical sensations like tension, pain, or numbness.

Trauma Resolution


It focuses on helping individuals release stored trauma from the body by gently guiding them to become aware of these physical sensations and gradually process them.



 It emphasizes developing self-regulation skills to manage stress and emotions, such as grounding techniques, breathwork, and mindful movement.

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